Thursday, November 24, 2011

Carved into a tree.(Diary of a monkey)

Monkeys log 11 moons and 15 days, after the year end forest frays.
I woke up a little sleepy, a little hungry, quite uneasy.
I was a oodle queasy, after having honey wine.
Stumbling out of the tree, Stomach mad, rumbling at me.
Head bumbling, but not yet grumbling, with bananas on my mind.

And as I felt so unreal, I took a bath with a lemon peal.
And rubbed it on my nose, my toes, even shoes only to find.
It was spoiled, smelling from the night before, soiled while washing a mushroom spore.
That had fallen quite appallingly from a monkey's behind.

Oh the agony! the nauseous rush.
Then suddenly there was a hush.
I woke up dreary weary bushed, on the soggy washing floor.
It seems that I had just passed out, from odor and spoilt lemon grout.
And woke up floating, boating, snorkeling, snoring as in days of yore.

And so I forgot the scene, of night and lemon so unclean.
And slept enjoying the dancing green, that spread beyond the washing floor.
Of elephants playing water guns, of sun-bears having so much fun,
Making little critters run, and dodge the sucker fish they throw.
Oh until the evening came, and my little soggy frame floated to the lagoons northern plane,
(Known as the drying shore.)
And while waiting for the drying, I the Silliest monkey despite trying, counted the clouds a flying,
And deeply began to snore.
That is all (Yawn!) and nothing more.

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